Friday, November 20, 2009

8 months.

I haven't been doing a great job keeping up with my goal of taking photos everyday and have definitely been slacking with the blogging. BUT here's my baby boy for his 8 month picture. Couldn't miss this one- did it for Braden every month until he turned one and plan on doing it for Carter as well. Anyway. Here he is...he is officially crawling and into absolutely everything. Apparently crawling was not exciting enough for him because days after mastering the crawl he began working on the standing. Well, he's pretty much perfected that as well. So he stands anywhere where he can get a good enough grip to pull himself up! He does this cute thing where he looks at you, smiles, and does this shy/bashful chin to chest look- its the cutest. He is officially in his crib, sharing a room with his brother. I delayed the move for quite awhile (not sure why because i'm definitely sleeping better now that I don't wake up every time he takes a deep breath!) and although we're still working on sleeping the entire steps :)

I know I keep saying this but I seriously cannot believe how quickly time is going by, I mean for heaven's sake it's practically Thanksgiving! Love my baby boy. And in the spirit of thankfulness and thanksgiving- I am ever so thankful for this little boy.

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