Monday, January 24, 2011

do you ever?

Do you ever just feel the need for change? Anxious for something more? Ready for change but not sure where to start? Let me back up by saying that I am happy with my life. I am grateful, thankful for a beautiful, healthy family. An awesome, hardworking husband, a home, a job, a great church. It has nothing to do with that. Actually, I'm not looking for change of location (Lord knows this!) or a change of circumstance. I'm looking for inward change, personal change, Ileana change. Maybe change is not even the correct word...

Most moms would understand. I am young wife and mother that has been devoting my life to my family. I pour everything that I am and have into them. Often I find that I neglect myself, the things that I need or want for them. I am not angry or bitter about this, just realizing that I would be so much better if I spent time on myself. Figuring out what I love, cultivating interests, getting fed and re-fueled. What does this mean? What does this look like for me? These are the questions that I am facing right now.

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